About Us

The Natural Family Planning Teachers’ Association of Ireland (NFPTAI) is an Association of teachers of natural family planning (NFP) in Ireland. We teach the Fertility Awareness Based (FAB) NFP method, namely the Symptothermal Double-Check (Multiple Index) Method of NFP. This method uses two fertility indicators to detect both the beginning and the end of the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle.

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide the most up-to-date information and scientific research on NFP for our teachers and to create a raised awareness of the many benefits of natural family planning. The NFPTAI run Courses to train teachers in the Symptothermal Double-Check (Multiple Index) FAB method of  natural family planning.

When was the NFPTAI Founded?

Following the first Teacher Training Course in Ireland in the Symptothermal Double-Check method of Natural Family Planning in 1987, the Natural Family Planning Teachers Association of Ireland (NFPTAI) was founded in 1988 by Marie Therese Joy RGN, RM and Sheelagh Wickham RGN, RM, both midwives.

This first Teacher Training Course was held in University College Galway in 1987 under the auspices of Prof. Eamon O’Dwyer, Professor of Obstetrics in University College, Galway, and was conducted by Dr Anna Flynn MRCOG and Wyn Worthington SRN, STM (a midwifery tutor) who founded the NFPTA English NFP Association. Indeed it was Dr Anna Flynn among others who in the mid 1970s developed the Symptothermal Double-Check Method of NFP.


Membership of the NFPTAI comprises those who have completed the NFPTAI Teachers’ Training Course in natural family planning and includes doctors, nurses, and people with no medical background and also married couples who teach natural family planning as a teaching couple.

The NFPTAI is a Voluntary Organization, a Registered Charity with a registered Logo, and was incorporated as a Limited Company in 1990. The NFPTAI is accredited to the I.E.E.F. which is the European Institute of Family Life Education, (Institut European d’Education Familiale).